This summer, while helping my parents clean up the attic, I found this thing among my old stuff:

BBC Master

To explain what it is and how I got it, I’ll need to give some background information, that turned into my computer geek origin story.

My computer geek origin story

When I was about 11 or 12, it wasn’t common for homes in the Netherlands to have a computer. My parents weren’t well off, and wouldn’t have bought such an appliance if they could do without it, but my uncle owned a Commodore 64. He had been a communications technician on merchant ships before his retirement due to disability, and had a little shack where he tinkered with electronic gadgets. He would show me how he made circuit boards, and let me solder diodes and resistors and LEDs and other components together to make simple devices with blinking lights. This tinkering with electronics never really stuck for me, because it wasn’t something I could do by myself at home, but one of his gadgets, a modded Commodore 64, fascinated me.

My uncle gave free computer programming classes to neighborhood kids, and so he taught me the basics of Commodore BASIC. I still remember the first line of code I wrote, because my uncle would tease me with it years later. As an elementary school kid, I thought it was funny to make the computer say it hated computers:

10 PRINT "ik haat computers"

Now a C64 was quite expensive at the time, and there was absolutely no way I would get a device worth 1000 gulden of my own, but my uncle pointed out an opportunity. British computer company Acorn had tried to introduce the Electron, a budget version of their flagship machine, the BBC Micro, in Germany, where it failed to gain any traction. The local home appliance store Kwantum got a hold of a shipment of these now redundant machines, and was offering them at the absolute bargain price of 199 gulden, about $50 at the time, which was an amount I happened to have in my savings account. So the next day I was the proud owner of an Acorn Electron and some printed manuals and cassettes with educational software and some games in German. And so I started teaching myself some useful skills: deciphering written German (a skill I should have maintained better), English and computer programming.

Acorn Electron

The Acorn Electron was the best platform at the time for learning programming. It came built in with the excellent BBC Basic interpreter, an assembler and an actual operating system in ROM, and other than the initial German versions of Meteors (Asteroids), Starship Command and Planetoid, plus an English version of Elite I later ordered from the UK through the mail, it wasn’t really feasible to buy games or other software for it.

The electron was a stripped down version of the BBC Micro, a computer that Acorn released in cooperation with the British Broadcasting Corporation for the educational market in the UK. It was a very basic little machine, with a 1MHz 8 bit 6502A CPU, with the same instruction set as the Commodore’s 6510, and 32 kilobytes of RAM. The built-in BBC basic was quite advanced for its time, especially considering the fact that it was all implemented in just 16kb of ROM along with the operating system. It supported procedures and functions, pointer arithmetic and even an inline assembler.

I’m trying to recall this from my early teenage memory, so there might be some mistakes in these examples.


By default, variables would be allocated on the heap, and you didn’t have to worry about where they were stored. The dollar sign denotes the variable type string. An integer variable would end with a % sign, and otherwise the variable would be a floating point number.

a$ = "Hello World"
Hello World

For arrays you had to allocate memory with the DIM instruction. DIM a$(10) would allocate space for an array of 10 strings and assign the start address of the array in memory to the variable a. You could allocate multidimensional arrays: DIM a$(2,2,2). Strings had a maximum length of 255 characters and were terminated with the ascii code for carriage return &0D. Indexing of an array was done with braces and started with index 0

DIM a(2,2)
a(0,0) = 1
a(1,2) = 4

Pointer arithmetic

You could address a memory location as a byte pointer with the ? character, as a 32 bit word with ! and as a string with the $ sign. To this day when I see the dollar sign, my inner voice reads “string”.

To address pointers with an offset you could use ?(variable + offset), which was analogous to the 6502 opcodes that could address a memory location plus an offset stored in the X or Y registers. A shorthand for this notation was variable?offset.

There was no memory protection as such. The following code creates a variable A, assigns the value 100 to it. Then it stores the 32 bit word 123 in the address pointed to by A. See that the value of the variable hasn’t changed, but the value 123 was stored at memory address 100. Well that happened to randomly work, I guess it was available. It could have overwritten something important.

A = 100
!A = 123
PRINT !100

If I remember correctly, the default program counter started at &0E00 (the ampersand denotes a hexadecimal value), so that’s where your program is stored in memory, unless you change the default. The space below &0E00 was RAM used by the operating system, but you could use much of it if you knew what you were doing.

Line numbers

Your BASIC programs weren’t stored in memory as a text file. BASIC instructions were stored as a one byte token. Line numbers were stored as a 2 byte integer and a pointer to the next line in memory. There was a renumber command to automatically replace the line numbers with a new sequence: RENUMBER start, increment. This would also update the line numbers that GOTO statements pointed to so it didn’t break your program. Anecdotally, they had exactly 7 characters of space left for the error message if you chose a sequence that didn’t make sense. I don’t know if this was the real reason they chose this error message, but I want it to be true:


You could of course manually poke the right byte values in the right memory locations to change the line numbers, and then you could make them all the same, or non-sequential, or going backwards if you wanted:

10 PRINT "A"
20 PRINT "B"
30 PRINT "C"

?&0E02 = 11
?&0E0B = 11

11 PRINT "A"
11 PRINT "B"
30 PRINT "C"

If you want to change a line by typing the line number and the new statement, the first matching line would be changed. Trying to look just at line 11 returned every matching line.

11 PRINT "A"
11 PRINT "B"

Of course if line 20 had been GOTO 10 you would get no such line at line 11 when you ran it, but if you avoided GOTO and GOSUB, the program would run just fine. If you changed a byte in a way that the program was no longer in a runnable state, you’d get this helpful message:

?&0E00 = 0
Bad program 

Procedures and Functions

With constructions like PROC (procedure) and FN (function) you didn’t need GOTO and GOSUB. BBC Basic would have worked just fine without line numbers.

 10 PROC_hey
 20 PRINT FN_double(10)
 30 END
 50 DEF PROC_hey
 60 PRINT "Hey"
 90 DEF FN_double(A%)
100 = A% * 2

Flow control

There was primitive support for exception handling:

ON ERROR IF ERR=17 THEN PRINT "You pressed escape" : END

The ON command could also be used for a kind of switch statement

ON a PROC_foo, PROC_bar, PROC_baa ELSE PRINT "Huh?"

Both the design and implementation of BBC Basic were an early example of the genius of Sophie Wilson1, who was in her early 20s at the time. She also designed the original ARM instruction set around that time, so you probably own a number of devices containing her work.

Given that this was my experience with BASIC, I never quite saw why it got so little respect.


Memory addresses above &8000 were ROM, where the operating system and BASIC interpreter were stored. From &8000 down, the bitmap for the screen was stored, down to a variable called HIMEM. This location depended on the selected graphics mode. There were 7 graphical modes, 0 through 6, that used different amounts of RAM and supported different screen resolutions and numbers of colors. The BBC micro also had an 8th mode, mode 7, that used far less memory and supported TeleText text and graphics, but the Electron did not have this.


The 32-bit integer variables A% through Z% were called the Resident Integer Variables. They mapped to a fixed memory location, and were not cleared on a reset. You could use them freely in your BASIC programs, and they were a bit faster than variables stored on the heap, but some of them had a syntactic meaning when you were using the assembler. The 6502 had three registers, A (‘accumulator’), X and Y. The assembler would initialize these from the lower 8 bits of the variables A%, X% and Y%. The lower 16 bits of P% was the pseudo program counter, this contained the start address where the assembled code would be stored.

REM Allocate 100 bytes of memory and assign the pointer to the start of this block to variable BUF
DIM BUF% 100

REM Address the variable as a string pointer and place these characters starting at this start address

REM Address the variable as a byte pointer and print the content

REM Change the byte at offset +2 to the ASCII value of 'A'
BUF%?2 = 65

REM Address the variable as a 4 byte word and then read as bytes
PRINT ?BUF%, BUF%?1, BUF%?2, BUF%?3
    238    255    0    0

Inline assembly

The BASIC interpreter supported an inline assembler. You could reserve memory and initialize variables in basic, then address these variables by their address in memory from the assembly code, and use the BASIC to glue different assembled machine code segments together. Here we reserve a block of 12 bytes for the string “Hello World”, and a block of 100 bytes to store the program. The assembly block is the code between the square brackets. We set the program counter to the allocated start address, and the X register to 0.

The FOR loop is to do two assembler passes. The assembler can’t look forward, so at line 110, the label done is not yet defined. With OPT 0 the assembler ignores errors, but does set the labels, and with OPT 3 errors are reported and a listing is generated.

There is probably a more efficient way to do this, but I haven’t done this since I was a teenager, and simply don’t reliably remember how it worked.

 10 DIM buf% 12     
 20 DIM code 100
 30 $buf% = "Hello World"
 40 PRINT "buf% variable allocated at "; ~buf%
 50 FOR I% = 0 TO 3 STEP 3
 60 P% = code
 70 [OPT I%
 80 LDX #0
 90 .loop
100 LDA buf%, X
110 CMP #&0D
120 BEQ done
140 INX 
150 BNE loop
160 .done
170 RTS
180 ]
190 NEXT
200 CALL code

buf% allocated at FA0
0F31              OPT I%
0F31   A2 00      LDX #0
0F33              .loop
0F33   BD A0 0F   LDA buf%, X
0F36   C9 0D      CMP #&0D
0F38   F0 06      BEQ done
0F3A   20 EE FF   JSR &FFEE
0F3D   E8         INX
0F3E   D0 F3      BNE loop
0F40              .done
0F40   60         RTS

Hello World>

Opcodes and OSWRCH

The listing shows the generated opcodes for the assembly instructions. OPT is not an instruction but an assembler ‘macro’ for want of a better term, so there is no opcode.

At address 0F31 we see A2 is the opcode for LDX #value, and 00 is the value in question, in other words set X to 0.

Next at 0F33 is the opcode BD for LDA with absolute X-indexed addressing mode, followed by the address 0FA0 of buf% stored in little-endian format: A0, 0F.

The next instruction CMP #value becomes C9, followed by 0D as the value. This will essentially act like a subtraction took place, but only set the Negative, Zero and Carry flags, not store the result.

The next instruction BEQ, opcode F0, does a conditional jump if the zero flag was set by the preceding CMP if A was equal to 13. The next bye, 06 is the relative address to jump to if the condition is met, in this case 6 bytes forward.

The JSR opcode is 20. This instruction, jump to subroutine, stores the current program counter on the stack before jumping to the absolute address FFEE, stored in little-endian format. This is the address of the operating system routine called OSWRCH, short for OS Write Character, which takes the ASCII code stored in the Accumulator register and writes that to the currently selected output devices, by default the screen.

INX with opcode E8 increments the X register for the next pass of the loop to grab the next byte of buf%. If this does not overflow to 0, we do the conditional jump BNE, opcode D0 to the relative address F3, which is -13, so 13 bytes back to 0F33. From this follows logically that the branch instructions can only jump 127 bytes forward or 128 bytes backwards, no further.

The final instruction RTS (return from subroutine) with opcode 60 pulls the top 2 bytes off the stack, LSB then MSB, and uses those as an absolute address to jump to. The whole program takes up 15 bytes, plus the 13 bytes for the Hello World string plus the terminating \r.

This was a long story to get to OSWRCH, but what does this have to do with the BBC Master in my parents’ attic?

Job as an assistant system administrator

Fast-forward a number of years to the end of my first time in college. I had stopped being a student and found a job as assistant system administrator at the chemistry faculty. This was a fairly simple job at the time that mostly involved inventory, running cables, assembling and installing PCs and helping staff with computer virus infections. For one particular task, I needed the administrator password on the chief sysadmin’s PC. He handed me a slip of paper that said OSWRCH&FFEE. I said ‘do you have a BBC Micro?’. The sysadmin’s jaw dropped. ‘How do you know?’. ‘Well, the password’ I said. He said come here, I have to show you something. He walks over to a storage room, and it is filled with a pile of by then ancient BBC Master computers. They used to use those to control various chemistry lab equipment. The BBC Master was the 128 kilobyte version of the BBC micro, that my Electron was a stripped down version of.

I mentioned I had been saving to buy one as a kid, but never managed to get there before they were thoroughly obsolete. He laughed and asked if I wanted one. They were supposed to be scrapped, but he had been storing them, officially just in case they needed to use the old equipment again, but really because he felt a kind of attachment to them.

So that’s how a BBC Master ended up stored in my parents’ attic.